Run Dockerized ALPS
Running ALPS on a Windows WSL-2 Docker
Running ALPS on a Windows WSL-2 Docker
Grab a copy of an ALPS Docker image at:
In a wsl-2 terminal window download alps from with:
sudo docker pull lidar532/alps-vnc:2023-1226
Next, we will create a file to run the Dockerized ALPS with all the required settings: Using a text editor copy and paste the following code into the file named alps.docker-run:
docker run \
--rm \
--name alps-20150227-vnc \
-p 5901:5901 \
-v /mnt/d:/data \
-it \
lidar532/alps-vnc:2023-1226 ${CMD}
Exit the editor and mark the file executable with:
chmod u+x